In any case, everything that's been said about Airbender can be applied to Disney's Prince of Persia movie as well. In fact, a Yahoo news article does just that.
I know Jordan Mechner, the creator of the original video game. We've broken bread together a couple of times at Comic-Con because Jordan writes for my publisher as well. He's a great guy, creative and inspirational, and I'm sure he had nothing to do with the casting of the movie. I wish him nothing but the best.
In fact, if you do have a few bucks set aside for Prince of Persia, might I suggest you spend them on the First Second Prince of Persia graphic novel instead of the movie? Jordan was heavily involved in its production; it's beautifully illustrated by LeUyen Pham and Alex Puvilland; and it's written by A. B. Sina, an actual Prince of Persia. No joke.

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Jordan Mechner defended the casting of Jake Gyllenhaal at Comic Con 2009 so I don't know what to think. He said something along the lines of casting the best person for the role, which would suggest that the best person to represent the Prince of Persia is someone who is not Persian. =/
I will concede that Jake Gyllenhaal does in fact look eerily similar to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, so I'll excuse his casting (AND ONLY HIS) on this one. But that fact alone doesn't make the Prince of Persia film any less problematic as a whole, so I'm not seeing it either. It's a shame, too, because The Sands of Time is one of my favorite video games of all time. And yeah, that PoP comic was alarmingly beautiful! I loved the subtlety and grace with which it evoked Persian religion and mythology; I ended up lending it to many of my friends at college who were studying religion, even if they'd never heard of Prince of Persia. I just wish Rhianna Pratchett could have been that subtle and graceful with her writing on the Zoroastrian setting in the 2008 Prince of Persia video game ….
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