Saturday, 6/26/2010 and Sunday 6/27/2010
12pm - 4pm
Asian Art Museum
200 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
*Teleportation will be done in honor of Nightcrawler, the X-man recently killed in the line of duty. Rest easy, my brave and blue friend. Rest easy. ;_;

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Later this week, I'll be heading over to the nation's capitol
Friday, 6/25/2010
Washington DC Convention Center, Room 144A-C

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Wanna know how I make comics? Here's the quickie run-down, using page 2 from Prime Baby as an example:
1. I start by writing a script. Sometimes this looks slick and formatted, kind of like a screenplay. Sometimes this is barely-legible chicken scratch on napkins. Unfortunately, I don't have my script from Prime Baby to show you because it was probably chicken scratch on napkins.
2. I translate my script into thumbnail sketches. I generally do these on plain old typing paper. Because Prime Baby was both text-heavy (the protagonist is a wordy little sociopath) and limited in space (it was originally published in The New York Times magazine), I laid out the words in Photoshop first and then sketched over print-outs of the dialog. I got the idea from reading about how they used to do those old EC comics.

3. Once I'm satisfied with my thumbnails, I pencil.

4. Then I ink using a Japanese brush pen. When I'm done, I scan it into the computer and lay the image under the words in Photoshop.

5. Finally, I get one of my color-savvy friends, like Derek Kirk Kim in this case, to color it. This is generally done in Photoshop, too.

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In the Minneapolis area? On June 19, 2010, Hennepin County Library and the Loft Literary Center are hosting a conference on breaking into comics! I'll be there, as will Zander Cannon, Barbara Schultz, Lars Martinson, Jude Nutters, Robin Schwartzman and Linda E. Davis. Registration is free, but limited. I gotta tell ya, I'm pretty excited about this one. It's gonna be loads of fun.
If you aren't in the Minneapolis area, but are in the San Francisco area, come by Giant Robot SF this Thursday between 6pm and 8pm! I'm gonna be doing a presentation about Asian Americans and comics. Maybe a short reading from Prime Baby, too.

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A couple of weeks ago, Greg and Jennifer Willits invited me on their Sirius/XM radio show to talk about Prime Baby, comic books in general, and faith. They're great people, and it was a lot of fun.
They just posted a podcast of it to their website. Our interview starts at 26:40.
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