1. I start by writing a script. Sometimes this looks slick and formatted, kind of like a screenplay. Sometimes this is barely-legible chicken scratch on napkins. Unfortunately, I don't have my script from Prime Baby to show you because it was probably chicken scratch on napkins.
2. I translate my script into thumbnail sketches. I generally do these on plain old typing paper. Because Prime Baby was both text-heavy (the protagonist is a wordy little sociopath) and limited in space (it was originally published in The New York Times magazine), I laid out the words in Photoshop first and then sketched over print-outs of the dialog. I got the idea from reading about how they used to do those old EC comics.

3. Once I'm satisfied with my thumbnails, I pencil.

4. Then I ink using a Japanese brush pen. When I'm done, I scan it into the computer and lay the image under the words in Photoshop.

5. Finally, I get one of my color-savvy friends, like Derek Kirk Kim in this case, to color it. This is generally done in Photoshop, too.

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In 2010, the good people at SLG Publishing will be putting out Animal Crackers, a single volume that collects both Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks and Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order. I did a new 12-pager for it, a "Bonus Feature" of sorts, where I talk about how I put comics together, my cartooning career thus far, and Dave Sim. Just finished it yesterday! Here's a page:

There's no firm release date yet. As soon as there is one, I'll post it here.
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