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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - Lark Pien won a Harvey!
Lark Pien won a Harvey! 
This past weekend, Lark Pien won a Harvey Award for Best Colorist for her work on ABC! Lark is part of the Bay Area comics crew I've hung out with for the past ten years and an absolutely brilliant cartoonist. She has more color sense in her pinky toenail than I do in my entire being. As my dad put it to me once, "I never thought you could draw all that well, but Lark's colors make it look like you can draw really well!"


I was nominated for a Harvey too, but lost to Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughn and Niko Henrichon. If you haven't read this book yet, do yourself a favor and get your hands on a copy. It's one of my three favorite graphic novels of 2006. The other two are Curses by Kevin Huizenga Fun Home by Alison Bechdel. (For you school librarians out there: Pride of Baghdad and Curses are appropriate for teens, Fun Home is a bit more adult.) Congratulations Brian and Niko!

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