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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - I'm back!
I'm back! 
Man, it's been a long time since I've put up a post. I'm really terrible at this blogging stuff.

All sorts of things have happened in the world since I was last here, the most traumatic of which was, of course, the earthquake in Haiti. I'm sure that by now everyone knows of at least one place to send money and help. Here are two more that overlap with communities I'm involved in:

Catholic Relief Services

Heroes 4 Haiti

God bless the people of Haiti.

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Eastwind Books this Weekend! 

I'll be at Eastwind Books in Berkeley this Saturday (11/5) at 3:00 to talk about The Eternal Smile, American Born Chinese, and making comics. Eastwind is a great book store, specializing in all things Asian. Come by if you can!

Eastwind Books of Berkeley
2066 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704

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In April 2010, First Second will release a collection of the strips I did for the New York Times. Prime Baby is a short little thing, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. The design folks at FS did a great job on the book's packaging. It just showed up on for pre-order! I'm sure Prime Baby's available at your favorite local indie bookstore for pre-order, too.

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2009 National Book Awards Finalists Announced! 

The National Book Foundation has just announced the 2009 finalists.

Over the past half year, I had the great honor of serving as a judge for the Young People's Literature category. It was an extremely difficult and extremely rewarding process. My eyes are still sore from all that reading.

Congratulations to all the nominees! The winners will be announced in November.

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Animal Crackers Bonus Feature Preview 
In 2010, the good people at SLG Publishing will be putting out Animal Crackers, a single volume that collects both Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks and Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order. I did a new 12-pager for it, a "Bonus Feature" of sorts, where I talk about how I put comics together, my cartooning career thus far, and Dave Sim. Just finished it yesterday! Here's a page:

There's no firm release date yet. As soon as there is one, I'll post it here.

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