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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - Indonesian Smile
Indonesian Smile 

I got copies of the Indonesian translation of The Eternal Smile a while ago, but I didn't flip through it until just now. They did a beautiful job on the production values-- it's kinda crazy seeing your own work in a language you don't understand. Ever wonder what a splash sounds like in Indonesia?

Speaking of The Eternal Smile, is offering the original English version for the amazing price of $6.61! Not bad for an Eisner nominee, right? (Er. Only a third of the book is nominated for an Eisner, but still. It's only a third of the original price!)

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Event in Sacramento on Tue 5/4/10! 
On Tuesday 5/4 at 4pm, I'll be at the Southgate Library in Sacramento talking about how I make comics. If you're in the area, come on by! Here's the address:

Southgate Library
6132 66th Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95823

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What are you doing on Saturday 5/1/10? 
Come to Mrs. Dalloway's, a cool indie bookstore in Berkeley! I'll be there on Saturday 5/1/10 at 7pm to talk about my two just-released books, Prime Baby and Animal Crackers. Here's the address:

Mrs. Dalloway's
2904 College Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705

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The Rise of the Graphic Novel 
On the evening Monday 4/26, The Commonwealth Club will be hosting a panel discussion on Why Comic Books, Being So Freaking Awesome, Are Taking Over The Whole Freaking World (or as they put it, "The Rise of the Graphic Novel") with Lark Pien, Andy Hartzell, Dash Shaw, and me! Should be fun. Tickets are $7 if you're a student and $20 if you're not. You have to show school ID so you can't just say you're a student of life.

Want details? Go here.

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Two of my books were released this month!

First, First Second recently published Prime Baby, which collects a short story I did for the New York Times at the end of 2008.

Second, Animal Crackers from SLG Publishing collects my first two graphic novels Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks and Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order. I've also added a short twelve-page comic at the end where I talk about my process.

Available RIGHT NOW! from your neighborhood comic shop, your local independent bookstore, or

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