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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - Tezuka Exhibit
Tezuka Exhibit 
If I'd had this blog up a week ago, I would've announced my stint as Cartoonist-in-Residence at the Asian Art Museum in SF last Saturday. They have an AMAZING exhibit featuring the works of Osamu Tezuka, the god of manga. If you're in the area, you have to go check it out. It ends Sept 5, so hurry!

More details here.

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September Events 
I've got a busy September coming up. Here are two of the big events:

On Sept 15 at 7pm, I'll be on a panel with Larry Hama, Christine Norrie, Jann Jones, and Jae Lee at the Museum of Chinese in the Americas in New York. The topic of the night will be Asian Americans in Comics. This is especially awesome for me because I grew up reading Larry Hama and Jae Lee's comics... I might have to dig up some of my old G.I.Joes to bring with me. Please come if you can! More info on the museum is here.

On the weekend of the 29th, I'll be at the National Book Festival with my publisher First Second. On Saturday, I'll be doing a presentation at 2:55 and a signing at 4:00. Again, please come if you can! It'd be great to see you.

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I finally put up a blog! 
I am absolutely horrible at updating my website. "It takes forever to do it with Dreamweaver," I'd always say to myself. "And I have grading or comics or dishes to do. If only I had an easy-to-update blog."

Well, now I finally do. We'll see if it was the cumbersome technology or my own laziness that prevented me from updating more often.

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