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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - Derek is doing webcomics again!
Derek is doing webcomics again! 

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Tomorrow from 12pm-4pm, I'll be at APAture, the Asian-American art show in SF. Here's the address:

Goforaloop Gallery
1458 San Bruno Ave., SF

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SLG Publishing Presents Comics Fest 

Man, I'm bad at blogging. I really should have posted this a couple weeks ago, but is hosting a comics mini-convention at their warehouse tomorrow (Saturday 9/19/09). I'm gonna be there, as are a bunch of other SLG artists!

Here are details:

SLG Publishing Presents Comics Fest
When: 12noon-5pm
Where: SLG Publishing
577 S Market St. San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: 408-971-8929
What: SLG Publishing, founders of the Alternative Press Expo, returns to the San Jose, California convention scene with Comics Fest. This one-day event will gather together a number of indy comics creators in an exhibit of both established and emerging local talent. Held at the spacious SLG Gallery, this event is free to all.

Guests: Gene Yang (American Born Chinese), Jamaica Dyer (Weird Fishes), Landry Walker (Tron, Little Gloomy, Brave and the Bold), Eric Jones (Tron, Little Gloomy, Brave and the Bold), Jon "Bean" Hastings (Haunted Mansion, Smith Brown Jones), Scott Saavedra (Java Town), Andy Ristaino (The Babysitter, Meathaus), Anthony Leano (BrAiNs), Paul Allen (BrAiNs, The Nose Ninja), Alex Chiu (Chocolate Milk & Donut Doodles, Color Ink Book)

Come by if you can!

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Comic-Con International 2009 

Comic-Con International 2009 is just around the corner, and this year I have the honor of being one of the Special Guests. The Special Guest list this year is absolutely NUTSO, mostly because Hayao Miyazake's on it! Derek Kirk Kim and I will be tabling at #AA4. We'll have mini-comics and all sorts of other stuff for sale. First Second Books will be at Booth #1323 and SLG Publishing at Booth #1815. Here's a list of panels and such that I'll be at:

Thursday 7/23, 2:30-3:30: Spotlight on Gene Yang— Only three years ago, Comic-Con special guest Gene Yang (American Born Chinese) was making his reputation on minicomics. Now he's an award-winning graphic novelist. Hear him in conversation with fellow comic artist and collaborator Derek Kirk Kim (The Eternal Smile). Room 4

Friday 7/24, 10:00-11:00 From Fan to Creator: Goal Setting for Creative Types— Which side of the convention table do you want to be on, artist or fan? And what's keeping you from getting there? If you have an idea in your head that you've had trouble bringing into reality, you might benefit from this fun and practical goal-setting workshop, designed specifically for the Comic-Con crowd. Teacher and coach Douglas Neff offers simple, proven techniques for achieving your most important goals. Whether you want to write your own screenplay, draw your first comic, or shoot your independent film, you're sure to get something useful from this informative and energizing workshop. (I'll be doing a ten-minute cameo at this.) Room 32AB

Friday 7/24, 4:00-5:00 Graphic Novels— Moderator Tom Spurgeon ( talks to some of the superstars of graphic novels in this lively panel discussion. Joining Tom are Lewis Trondheim (Kaput and Zosky), Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim), Seth (George Sprott 1894–1975), Gene Yang (American Born Chinese), Jason Lutes (Berlin), and Derek Kirk Kim (Eternal Smile). Room 8

Friday 7/24, 6:30-7:30 Four Color Reality: Making Comics Relevant to Readers Across Cultures— Comic book stories have become the core of American pop culture—is there a big-budget spectacular that doesn't in some fashion owe its existence to comic book roots these days? But sales of traditional-format comic books themselves have been in decline for years. This panel explores one reason for this shrinking market: the divergence between the identities of mainstream comic icons, who are typically straight, white, male, and American, and the demographic makeup of a new generation of readers. How can the comic book industry connect with changing audiences—not just of diverse races and backgrounds, but of different cultural and national origins as well? Moderated by Jeff Yang (editor-in-chief, Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology). Panelists include Dwayne McDuffie (Milestone Comics, JLA, Ben 10: Alien Force), Gail Simone (Wonder Woman), Gene Yang (American Born Chinese, The Eternal Smile), Stuart Moore (Wolverine: Noir, The 99), and Jai Nitz (Blue Beetle, El Diablo). Room 3

Sunday 7/26, 10:00-11:00 Kids' Graphic Novels— What's new and wonderful in the world of comics and graphic novels for kids in 2009? Moderator Robin Brenner, creator and editor-in-chief of, highlights the works of panelists Lewis Trondheim (Tiny Tyrant), Gene Yang (American Born Chinese), Derek Kirk Kim (The Eternal Smile), Eric Wight (Frankie Pickle and The Closet of Doom), Chris Schweizer (Crogan's Vengeance), Jennifer Holm (Babymouse), and Jarrett J. Krosoczka (Lunch Lady), who all recommend other great titles. Room 3

Sunday 7/26, 2:00-3:00 Kids Write!— Kids, join creators Chris Giarrusso (G-Man), Chris Schweizer (Crogan's Vengeance), Eric Wight (Frankie Pickle), and Gene Yang (American Born Chinese) as they draw the story you tell! Moderated by Cory Casoni (Oni Press). Room 30CDE

In addition, I'll be signing at the following booths:

Thursday 7/23, 12:30-2:00 at Secret Identities Booth #1735 (with Sonny Liew !)

Friday 7/24, 12:30-2:00 at First Second Books Booth #1323

I'm pretty excited about it. Please visit Derek and me if you can!

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June Events 
I have a few events coming up...

Sat, Jun 6, 2pm
Signing at Dr. Comics and Mr. Games
4014 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611

Sat, June 6, 7pm
Presentation at Books Inc.
301 Castro St.
Mountain View, CA 94041

Tue, June 9, 5pm
Presentation at Hercules Library
109 Civic Dr.
Hercules, CA 94547

Sat, June 13, 12-5pm
Guest at Olympia Comics Festival
(Derek Kirk Kim is gonna be there too!)
Olympia, WA
More details here

If you're in the area for any of these, please come visit!

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